Petran Unlimited

Leadership Begins....
About Us

We assist clients in maximizing individual and organizational performance in the following ways:

bulletImprove leadership, supervisor through executive, within highly diverse and challenging workforce
bulletIncrease the capacity of high potential people manage more complex responsibilities
bulletIncrease creativity to drive profit-generating activities

Our Mission

The purpose of Petran Unlimited is to provide quality leadership development programs that blends critical thinking and emotional intelligence through practical skills to prepare leaders to be successful in a global society. Specifically, through a combination of classroom exercises and individual coaching, we strive to:

bulletcreate and sustain collaborative learning environments for leaders to fully participate in the construction of their own futures;
bulletprovide direct leadership experiences that emphasize emotional intelligence, strategic thinking, presentation skills, and creativity; 
bulletcraft tailored leadership solutions to meet the individual and organizational needs.

Contact Information

Postal address
8161 Sterling Ave, Huntington Beach, CA 92646
Electronic mail
General Information:


Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2009 Petran Unlimited